Tag: journal

Unravelling the Strong Woman

From November 2019: This entry explores my journey questioning what it means to be a strong woman and models a breakthrough I had using “Inner Work.” This entry continues along from the last piece about “Strong Woman” which you can read about here. Weeks ago…

It’s all in the question

It’s all in the question

This is from the time of December 2019 I’ve always loved time to be reflective and have spent much of my life reflecting. For about twenty years, I kept a journal about all my thoughts and opinions. At some point though, I stopped writing. I…

Increasing Empathy

Increasing Empathy

I sat watching the cold rain drizzling down the window pane. I was taking a course on Indigenous Contemplative Practice and part of the homework was to go outside weekly and develop a land-based practice. This is an honest journal-style entry of how I got…