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Warming Lentil Lettuce Wraps

Warming Lentil Lettuce Wraps

Mmmm…warming curried lentils with creamy cauliflower rice and tangy mango chutney all rolled up into one dang good delicious wrap! This meal is also a win for everyone in the family (with a few kid-friendly tweaks)! This is actually three separate recipes rolled into one,…

Finding “Me Time”

Finding “Me Time”

It was a hot summer day as four scrawny teens hiked to a lookout rock on one of the beautiful little islands on the Pacific Northwest Coast. I was one of them. After a few hours we reached our rocky lookout destination and sat down…

Thai Basil Potatoes

Thai Basil Potatoes

Thai Basil and potatoes? I realize that this is not a usual combination but this is soooo yummy that it must be shared. Red-Skinned potatoes and mushrooms are cooked in coconut, coriander, cardamom, lemongrass, lime leaves, and loaded afterwards with cilantro and lime. The grounding…

Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie

Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie

This smoothie has all of the recommended ingredients listed by Anthony Williams to gently pull heavy metals from the body. I drink this smoothie or a variation of it almost every morning. With the supplements, it’s got everything you need to start the day in…

Lemon Water

Lemon Water

I know, an entire blog post on lemon water? Have you heard of the benefits of drinking water? This simple drink has had incredible results on our health. It’s worth posting about. There are two ways to enjoy this bevy: as a cleansing drink upon…

European White Bean Soup

European White Bean Soup

Where do I even begin with this soup! If you have European roots, this soup will bring you straight back to the old country. My husband and I can get quite nostalgic about living in Eastern Europe and so we comfort ourselves by eating this…

Healing from Mild PTSD

Healing from Mild PTSD

Out of our most painful moments can arise the deepest forms of learning. Learning to cope with frequent adrenaline rushes has been one of the most challenging lessons I’ve had to learn so far. The learning went deep and completely transformed my life for the…

Finding Balance

Finding Balance

I think we can all agree that maintaining balance is important, but the struggle to find balance in our daily life, is real. This is about a possible solution to finding balance. I hope you will find this post encouraging. In my case, everybody needs…