Best-Ever Gluten-Free Loaf of Bread

Best-Ever Gluten-Free Loaf of Bread

I literally don’t know where I would be without this gluten-free loaf of bread! For over ten years now, I’ve been making this recipe almost weekly and I am positive you will love it too.

When I first switched over to a gluten-free (and corn free) diet, I would stand in the kitchen and stare because I didn’t know what to eat! I tried every gluten-free bakery in town, every store-bought GF loaf, and nothing tasted “bread-like” to me. Then, my good friend shared this recipe with me. (Enter, the Hallelujah chorus.) This is the best gluten-free loaf of bread out there.

One of the best parts of this bread, aside from the taste, is that it’s also xanthan gum free. Xanthan gum is a biproduct of a biproduct and not the best food additive out there. This bread recipe uses blended chia seeds and psyllium husks to bind the flours which are actually healthy, and healing foods. Both chia seeds and psyllium husks aid in digestion and support your body.

The original recipe my friend shared with me is by an incredible cook, Alissa Segersten and published in her outstanding cookbook, “Nourishing Meals.” I am forever thankful!

I have made this bread almost weekly for almost ten years. It has stood the test of time! Even now that I don’t really eat any grains, it’s the only GF bread that my children will eat. It’s to die for when fresh from the oven and will fill your home with long lost scents of freshly baked bread.

It tastes incredible.

It slices well.

It packs perfectly for lunches.

It keeps well on the counter top AND and stays soft for about three days! (After that, pop into the fridge to keep it fresh and toast it to make it soft again.)

You’ll notice that this does require yeast, but don’t run away! I have a fool-proof method for making sure your yeast recipes will turn out. You can do this!

Long story short, I have been making this recipe every week now, for about seven years. Seriously, seven years! It’s that good.

Best-Ever, Gluten-Free Loaf of Bread

This loaf of bread is the best. After almost a decade of trying gluten-free breads, this one is without at doubt, the best GF loaf of bread out there. Inspired by the "Everyday Sandwich Bread" by Alissa Segersten, this recipe will quickly become a staple in your life. This bread is fantastic with savoury or sweet toppings and also packs well for lunches. (All without weird chemicals or xanthan gum!)
Prep Time30 minutes
Cook Time1 hour
Total Time2 hours 30 minutes
Keyword: corn-free, gluten-free, loaf of bread, nut-free option, recipe, vegan
Servings: 1 loaf
Cost: 1


Dry Ingredients:

  • 1 cup brown rice flour
  • 1 cup sorghum flour
  • 1/2 cup millet flour
  • 3/4 cup almond flour
  • 1 cup arrowroot starch
  • 1-2 tsp sea salt

Wet Ingredients:

  • 500ml (2.5 cups) warm water
  • 1 tbsp quick-rising dry yeast
  • 3 tbsp maple syrup (reserve two tbsp)
  • 1/3 cup ground chia seeds
  • 1/3 cup psyllium husks


Mixing the Dry Ingredients

  • Mix the dry ingredients first and set them aside in a bowl.
    If you have troubles finding any of the grain flours, you can grind brown rice, sorghum, or millet into flour with a coffee grinder. (I have a coffee grinder set aside just for grinding flours and use it to grind the millet.) You can also do any combination of these grain flours so long as they total up to 2 1/2 cups.
    If you are allergic to nuts or out of almond flour, you can substitute ground pumpkin seeds.
    If you aren't able to find arrowroot starch, you can use tapioca flour or potato starch.

Making the Yeast Mixture

  • Place the warm water into a liquid glass measurer.
  • Add the yeast and 2 teaspoons of maple syrup.
  • Wait 5 minutes. The mixture should get foamy. If the mixture doesn't, start over.
    (In colder weather, it can help to place the glass measurer with the yeast mixture in a larger bowl of warm water and replace the warm water if needed, to keep the yeast mixture warm.)

Putting it all together

  • Add the chia seeds and psyllium husk to the yeast mixture and stir it all up.
  • Let the mixture sit for about 2 minutes until it becomes all gelatinous. Stir it gently.
  • Add the mixture to the dry ingredients. Stir gently until everything is completely mixed. I like to stir it into a ball-shape as sometimes it can be a little too sticky to knead.
  • When you have stirred the bread mixture so it's completely mixed, place a little bit of coconut oil or olive oil on your hands and lightly wipe out your bread pan. (Before your hands are dirty, you could also line the pan with parchment.)
  • Scoop the dough up and form it into an oblong sphere. At this point I like to make sure that at least one side, looks nice and doesn't have too many cracks. I do this by folding the top and sides into the bottom to maintain the bread shape.
  • Place the nicely shaped dough into the pan and let it rise for 1hr.
  • Set your timer for 30 minutes.
  • When the timer rings, PREHEAT your oven to 375degrees. Then set your timer again for 30 minutes.
  • When the timer rings again, put the bread in the oven (it should be heated to 375 degrees at this point) and bake it for 55 minutes to 1 hour.


This loaf of bread can sit nicely on the counter top in a plastic bag for about three days. After that, I store it in the fridge and lightly toast the slices to soften them up again.
While measuring out the flours, measure out the flours needed for more loaves of bread and store them in ziplock bags. This means that next time you want to make bread,  you can just grab a bag with the pre-mixed flours and it will only take you 10 minutes to make your next loaf (including the time it takes for the yeast to rise)! 
Variation: Try adding in a blended onion and 1 Tbsp of Poppy Seeds when mixing everything together for a more savoury version.