Getting Started with Healing

Getting Started with Healing

Do you already eat healthy? Are you looking for ways to add healing routines to your life? Are you already unable to work due to chronic illness? Or are you just starting to feel like your body can’t handle pizza the way it used to? Here is a list of some basics to get you started on living brightly. These simple, yet completely transformative routines are fairly easy to implement and yield amazing results! When all else is fails (i.e. I go camping), these are the few routines that I always maintain.

Drink Lemon Water

lemon water

Drinking lemon water is incredibly powerful! Starting every day with half a lemon squeezed into 500ml (16oz) of water allows the body to flush out any toxins that have accumulated during the night. Your body works hard to “stay clean” so giving yourself thirty minutes every morning to honour the efforts your body has made throughout the night to filter toxins from your day before will hugely benefit you! (Otherwise, you essentially re-absorb most of it.)

Simply put: when you wake up, squeeze half a lemon into 500ml (16oz) of water. Drink it and then wait for 30mins before eating breakfast. The powerful nutrients in lemons also create an alkaline effect on the body and fuel your digestive system.

Drinking water throughout the day is also important. Water is so processed and removed from its natural environment that it loses some of its ability to hydrate the body. Adding a slice of lemon, citrus, or some slices of cucumbers will revitalize your drinking water and will make it easier for your body to absorb.

Throughout the day, try to drink an additional 2 litres (8 cups) of lemon or cucumber water. This is especially important if you start to eat healthier than your usual way. Your body will need to be flushing out more toxins and it’s important to keep the kidneys, liver, and digestive system fuelled and hydrated. You will notice amazing results! To get started, I actually set a timer on my phone to help me remember to drink water. Of all the ways to transform your health, you can do this one!

Drink Celery Juice

celery juice

Drinking 500ml (16oz) of celery juice in the morning will change your life. Seriously. There is actually an entire book written about the healing effects of Celery Juice! The trick is to juice your celery and drink it on an empty stomach. Then it’s best to wait about 20 mins before eating. Celery Juice supplies your body with all of the nutrients needed to get the most out of your food for the rest of the day. It gives your stomach and liver a ton of nutrients to make all of the digestive enzymes necessary for you to truly benefit from the foods that you eat. If you have any kind of digestive issues, mood disorders, brain fog, illness of any kind, or fatigue issues, try celery juice! The added bonus is that your skin will gain a healthy glow.

Eat Raw Fruits and Vegetables

Increase your intake of fruits and veggies in whatever way you can. Everyone is so concerned about getting enough protein and “healthy fats” that we’ve completely forgotten that our health and wellness is founded on vitamins and minerals! Nothing has more life-giving, absorbable forms of vitamins and minerals than fresh fruits and leafy greens. (I know some of you bone broth converts might say otherwise, but by drinking celery juice and eating fresh fruits and leafy greens, my teeth have rebuilt themselves and are stronger, shinier, and whiter than they have ever been!)

Putting it All Together

Most of the year is about waking up and going to work. So for those days, try to establish a healing routine. This is my daily routine:

UPON WAKING: drink 500mls of lemon water
-wait 30mins (I brush my teeth, get ready, pray/meditate)

-make the celery juice and drink it
-wait 20mins (I pack lunches and get breakfast ready)

BREAKFAST: make a fruit smoothie for breakfast with about two cups of thawed frozen berries, two bananas, supplements, and a piece of aloe vera (I also take capsule supplements at this time)

SNACK TIME: eat an apple with some dates and celery sticks (a perfect combo of sugar, potassium, and sodium to keep you fuelled until lunch)

LUNCH: I usually have a huge salad with various greens, radishes, green onions, avocado, cucumber, etc. During colder months I always bring steamed potatoes or soup as well to warm me up.

This might seem like a lot, but the reality is, on most weekdays when we’re running out the door for school and work, we’re not really thinking too much about how much we love our morning routines. At least, I wasn’t. I liked my routines because they were fast. I found that it wasn’t that hard incorporating these changes into my early day. I also went slowly…First incorporate the Lemon Water into your routine and the Celery Juice (at first I made mine using a blender and a nut-milk bag), then I started cutting out my regular breakfast and tea and switched to a smoothie, then I changed the mid-morning snack, and then lunch…and so on. The longer you can wait in the day to have fat and only eat fruits and veggies, the more time you give your body a chance to do what it needs to do to keep you healthy.

Now, I know you’re thinking, “Where’s the coffee?! Where’s the tea?!” “I can never do this without caffeine!” At first, I too was stressed out about trying to fit in a cup of tea, but hear me out here: I started to feel so amazing and energized by the lemon water and celery juice, that I would FORGET to drink my morning tea!!

Making these changes will also allow you to still eat and enjoy dinner the way you love to with the people you love. Try them!


I have Anthony Williams to thank for these incredible, life-changing routines. In, Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal: Medical Medium (2015), Anthony Williams explains in much, much more detail how to heal from many chronic illnesses. The above mentioned tips are the basics to getting started with your healing journey. If you are sick with: Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, MS, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s, Type 2 Diabetes, Hypoglycemia, Adrenal Fatigue, Candida, Migraines, Shingles, Colitis, TMJ, Diabetic Neuropathy, ADHD, Autism, PTSD, Depression, PMS or Menopause, or Lyme Disease, BUY THIS BOOK! (No, I do not get paid for this reference. I am referring it because the applied information will change your life in the best way!)

Photos on this post are from (aside from the Celery Juice and Salad photo)